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Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lovely Leopard Print.

I am beyond excited to say that fall will be here before we know it. And......everyone knows how much I love fall! Wanna know something else I LOVE? Leopard print. I am obsessed. And what's so great is it is the perfect transition from summer to fall. From scarves and coats, to handbags and heels, here's some of my absolute faves=)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Breakfast Club.

The recipe for a great day is to start it off with an awesome breakfast. And, as we all know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But...if you're not an early riser, no worries. I have found so many delicious brunch and breakfast recipes that will surely satisfy. Here's some of my favorites!

Monday, August 19, 2013

All Things Target.

I couldn't agree more! Here's another E-card I came across that is too funny!

Target is nothing short of amazing. Literally one of my favorite stores=) Problem is.....I walk into the store needing one or two things and walk out with a cart full of stuff! If this sounds like you, get excited because below are 5 fabulous items for the home that won't break the bank– each under $20!

Happy Monday=)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Chic Geek.

Most everyone owns a cellphone and laptop these days. Pretty soon, the same will be said about tablets. Whether you own one <or would like to in the near future>,  you should definitely invest in a case to protect your device. Fashion and function combine with these chic little tablet cases!


If you love anything that sparkles, check out the first image from my last post Carry Me. It's an amazing little clutch that could easily function as a tablet case also=)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Wedding Details.

Ever heard don't sweat the small stuff? Well, we believe when planning a wedding, it is all about the little details. Here's some wedding details that I just LOVE=)